The Neighborhood Bible Study Ministries (NBSM) - Rivers of Water Church is under the leadership of Pastor Robert E. Drake. All is done with full acknowledgement that Jesus our Lord is head of the church. The NBSM - Rivers of Water Church is designed to train and equip missionaries for service at home and abroad.
All are always welcome. If you are a member of a previous church fellowship, then you are urged to inform your previous pastor prior to joining the church. At the close of every Sunday service, an invitation to join the fellowship, affectionately called, "pitching your tent", is extended. Those who accept are extended the "right hand of fellowship" as the church family lovingly welcomes them to the fellowship. Those whom God has chosen are enabled to commit to the challenge of this missionary fellowship.
Our Ministry Motto: "Love God", "Be Free" and "Win Souls".
Our church vision is threefold:
To be and equip future missionaries
Restore and refresh missionaries on the field
House and restore the poor and needy to a loving relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ as contributors to the advancement of God's will and to the betterment of society in general.
Our church ministry is threefold:
To strengthen the homes in each neighborhood by reestablishing biblical truths in each home
To develop strong Christians who will be prepared to effectively deal with problems arising out of our inner cities through learning God's Word, applying God's word, teaching God's Word, and training God's people to reach others with the Gospel.
To assist the helpless in their efforts to better their lives physically, mentally and spiritually in a Christian context.​
The church is charged with the responsibility of making disciples by educating God's people from the Word of God. This fellowship uses the authorized King James Version Holy Bible. Educational materials for all ministries are developed by church members whom God the Holy Spirit has gifted and has specifically equipped to help mature the saints of God toward fulfilling their missionary calling. Lessons are designed and structured along the lines of and in accordance with the vision of the NBSM - Rivers of Water Church. The most essential of these ministries is the Sunday School Outreach (SSO) in which weekly attendance averages 98% of the membership