The SSO is a specialized training school to equip the saints of God in engaging the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is our objective to win souls to Jesus through the Sunday School evangelism efforts. Various classes have been established with specific course materials to meet the need of the youngest to the eldest saint, from the babe in Christ to the maturing Christian, as well as the visitor, who are all welcomed.
Meeting Times
9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Sunday's (no SSO held on fifth Sundays)
Adult Classes
Orientation - Introduction to the NBSM and to Christian doctrine (for visitors)
Still Waters - Learn how to study the Bible.
Missionary-In-Training (M.I.T. 1, 2, and 3) - For advancing the missionary in responding to the missionary call; including Bible doctrine and spiritual warfare
Children Classes
4 - 6 years
7 - 9 years
10 - 12 years
13 - 16 years (separate boys and girls classes)
Childrens' course content is developed parallel to the MIT courses on a level suitable for their comprehension.
Arrows Youth Class
17 - 18 years - Prepares youth for future responsibilities as young adults after high school graduation.
Arrows Transitional Class
19 - 25 years - Continues the preparation for the Christian life and responsibilities as young adults.
Nursery (ages 2 - 3 years)
Our nursery is designed to be a fun learning environment. We have biblical DVDs, flashcards, toys, coloring books, etc.. Teachers assist them in learning their alphabets; while older youth are involved with helping the teachers in other learning activities. Each child must be signed in and out by the adult listed in our records.